Instagram Has Over 200,000 Advertisers Just 5 Months After Opening the Spigot
Linx has learned that people simply hate to read… and the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, plays right into the hands of Instagram. With the power of Facebook behind the new opportunity, this will become a powerful new tool in the marketer’s arsenal,...
Big Tech Firms Are Ready for the Internet of Things, Even If Marketers Are Not
It is hard to believe that the complexities of the internet will continue to get more intense. Using data for decision making is not new, but now with too much information coming though the typical marketing pipe, it requires new tools to manage for success. This is the...
Facebook and Twitter: Users Process Mobile Content Faster
Our brains are changing. As we multi-screen through life, we are now increasing our cognition of messages as much as we increase our content consumption. This evolutionary change is happening even faster now that we use mobile devices daily!
The Science of Social Media Success
Who needs Researchers? Why not test in real time? This has been our philosophy for the past few years as we are able to get quantitative and qualitative information from our social networks and testing!
10 Expert Marketing Predictions for 2016
OK… so were a bit into 2016, but predictions are always great to see! These are good reinforcements of the trending issues we have been focused on for the past year. More Video, More Content and More Relevancy will drive the future!