Vineyards Outreach Program
As part of our ongoing SEM & PPC program to generate leads for The Vineyards, Linx revised the online media budget by strategically reallocating funds to run ads on multiple channels, adding Facebook into the mix for more extensive targeting options.
Social Media and the Marketer’s Monkey Sphere
While this article put humankind on the same level as our primate brethren… it actually make some great points about our behaviors as define through the eye of a leading anthropologist.
Surprise! You’re Overlooking Prospects on LinkedIn
In our B2B marketing program we are finding LinkedIn one of the most effective tools in our arsenal. With lead acquisition costs of less than $10 a lead! This article defines some of the challenges and what to look out for with their targeting and Sales Navigator platform....
Boost Your Odds at Google’s Snippet Box
As Google algorithms keeps changing more opportunity abounds for marketers… take the move to Google’s new snippets box… you can now structure your SEO into the framework of the new search feature to get on top of the page!
Saved by the Max Sells Out With No Real Marketing
This article shows exactly how the traditional advertising model in DEAD! Strategy is the key to success and using each vehicle properly and consistently is what works today!