Facebook Will Fact-Check Its News Feed and Shame Fake Posts With 'Disputed' Tag
Finally, Facebook is taking action and fact-checking news articles and labeling them with a disputed tag. This not only helps the consumers gain real factual information, but also the ad companies who continue to post ads on the site.
Snapchat's Latest Moves Are Making It Look More Like a TV Disrupter Than a Social App
TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Snapchat. You are able to watch TV shows on all of them. With Snapchat being new to the group, they are catching up pretty quickly. As the saying goes “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
Facebook Just Owned Up to Misreporting Likes, Reactions and Shares to Brands
Facebook is ending 2016 off with a bang… actually a dud. With multiple misreporting and inflated metrics issues, Facebook might face an issue with fewer brands trusting their site for advertising.
Facebook Increases Transparency By Updating Video and Third-Party Viewability Metrics
In todays marketing world, transparency is playing a bigger role than ever. If a company is not completely transparent from the beginning, it will most likely hurt their reputation later on. The goal of Facebook’s lately transparency move is to give marketers more transparency and verification into their Facebook campaigns, which they can then analyze on their own through third-party partners. Here at Linx, we are all about strategy, and this is a great move for Facebook.
3 Things Brands Should Know About Gen Z—and They're Not All About Snapchat
Millennials will soon be phased out as the target demographic for many industries to make room for the new kids in town, Generation Z. Brands will have to get creative to catch the focus of these digitally-reliant, advertising embracing, fad-chasing consumers. Predictive marketing is going to play a huge role in this transition phase and Linx is fully prepared to take on the challenge with our new marketing model.
8 Eye-Opening Digital Marketing Stats From the Past Week
We all love stats… this story is chock full of them… enjoy!
Facebook Combats Ad Blocking by Giving Users Control Over What They See
Another brilliant strategy from Facebook. And it goes with the mantra of allowing users to drive their experience. Instead of service up advertising that is unwanted, they now allow users to predefine their interests, further enhancing the value of their super targeting platform. It’s a win-win-win.
Snapchat Is Letting More Brands Run Ads Between Friends' Stories
As social moves to the Dark Side (Dark Social) from open social platforms it would be expected that Snapchat leverages their base and uses the same strategies as Facebook is using with its messenger platform.
Instagram Distinguishes Itself in Social Commerce by Touting Product Discovery
A buyer’s journey typically starts with information gathering… Instagram has created a great niche in the area as way to discover products and quickly gain insights to competitive options. Any new item should leverage this platform.
As Publisher Reach on Facebook Goes Down, Video Is Going Way Up
We have finally moved from Content is King to Video is King when it comes to social marketing. Learning how to communicate in 5 second snippets is a core competency and required skill set. Where is your video messaging?