1 Deadly, False Assumption About LinkedIn Social Selling
LinkedIn has been one of the best products we at Linx have used for our B2B clients, especially in technical companies. So the ranking analysis used in this article is only one path of social selling, it does not address the bigger picture. How your ranking is leveraged across multiple channels.
What Does Personalization Mean to You?
With conversion rates at 40-50% higher than non-personal communications, the need to get your marketing platforms dynamic should be a #1 priority for your company.
Innovative Companies Adopt These 4 Tactics
One of the things Linx does best is help companies create more value… we call it a consumer centered business model. These tactics are simply part of the bigger picture of what make a company’s strategy more effective.
5 Keys to Making Buyers Care About Your Content
Be relevant and you will be cared about… it really is that simple. Here at Linx we are helping clients be pinpointed to specific needs with the use of Marketo!
Why This Revolutionary Approach By a CEO Is the Future Of Management
Be Scared! If this is where management is going… companies like Google and Zappos have it all wrong. What ever happened to empowering employees and letting them manage themselves to create value for an organization.
This Is the Most Important Social Media Platform, According to Generation Z
Get ready for Generation Z to bypass Millennials as the focus of new marketing technologies. Time spent on messaging platforms, surpassed social platforms recently. This trend creates the next profound trend for marketers to be able to target today’s youth.
Even if We Share Less, Facebook Is Cultivating a Virtual Landscape to Retain Our Attention
You have got to hand it to Mark Zuckerberg for staying a step ahead. As sharing is on the decline on Facebook, along with younger users (<25 years old) the company is moving into VR in a big way. This technology will offer users new ways to leverage their personal experiences and posts, to bring inclusion and immersion into them. Will your friends be joining you for diner… virtually!
Publishers Tell Ad-Blocking Browser to Back Off
This is a battle that is just beginning. Opting into to ad content is going to become a reality, if marketers do not provide relevant and personal content ALL THE TIME. Consumers are looking to the same rights they enjoy with email, but will they get it?
We're Finally on the Eve of the Virtual Reality Era, and Here's Why That Scares Marketers
Don’t worry about marketers… they will figure out exactly how to leverage Virtual Reality… the speed at which we change the way we entertain ourselves will only be matched by the speed with which it can be monetized by marketers!
5 Times the Next Big Thing Failed to Kill the Last Big Thing
When I was growing up in the Ad business in the 90’s, you always heard the stories of the prognosticators who were talking about the demise of medium or business model. While this article pays tribute to this concept I don’t take the story at its full face value. Today we do see that the “Internet of Things” is capable of layering mediums on top of medium, fragmenting the market further and creating a tapestry of connections. But we also see that disruption does kill off some species of business/media. I grew up in the Retail Ad business and we build our company around regional retailers in Home Entertainment, Sporting Goods, Home Centers and car centers. Today, over 99% of the regional retailers that I did business with are gone… for good!