Getting ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday takes a lot more work than mentally preparing yourself for the madness. Learn how Linx helped Lacrosse Unlimited ensure there’s no black out on their site this Black Friday.
While it may feel like Black Friday and Cyber Monday are mad-dash sales that are over in the blink of an eye, the preparation and planning that go on in back end might surprise you. Linx services several clients who run Cyber Monday sales each year, and it’s important for us to plan ahead for our clients, so that their customers have the best shopping experience possible.
While consumers will only see the email notification and the seamless website functionality on Monday the 28th, we’ve already begun implementing a structured email send schedule. By staggering the sends by just a few minutes, we’re ensuring that consumers can access our clients’ site quickly, with normal load times and without the crashing and lags that can often be associated with great Cyber Monday deals. We’ve also already increased our server capacity with multiple redundancies so that the increased traffic won’t create any processing speed issues, or affect refresh rates.
Being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to big shopping days, or fantastic sales, can be the difference between increased revenue for our client, or a missed opportunity for everyone. At Linx we know how important it is to be predictive and expect not only the unexpected, but the expected as well. Knowing the habits of our clients and their customers helps us be efficient and help our clients reach their maximum potential.